TL;DR: Crafting a compelling Instagram bio for your small business is an art. Learn why your bio matters, what elements to include, and explore nine engaging Instagram bio examples to take inspiration from.

Your Instagram bio serves as the digital storefront to your brand. A compelling bio can instantly convey who you are, what you do, and why it matters. It’s your chance to leave a mark, pique curiosity, and drive engagement. 

With only 150 characters to play with, crafting a succinct narrative is essential. Here’s what to include in your bio and a few real-world examples of small businesses that have mastered the art of Instagram bios.

Why your small business’ Instagram bio matters

Your small business’ Instagram bio is your digital storefront where potential customers will decide whether to continue looking into your brand or swiftly scroll away. Creating an impactful bio is not just an exercise in creativity—it’s a strategic move to get more business.

A staggering 15% of U.S. shoppers start their online shopping searches on Instagram, highlighting the platform’s important role in influencing purchasing decisions. A strong Instagram bio can make those crucial first impressions count, converting fleeting interest into lasting connections.

You can also use your Instagram bio to scale your business with a link in bio. Using a Flodesk Link in bio has shown an impressive 40x higher conversion rate compared to traditional website forms. But this isn’t just about getting numbers; it’s a testament to the power of channeling your Instagram audience toward a space you truly own—your email list. 

What to include in your Instagram bio

Writing an attractive Instagram bio involves more than just filling in the blanks. You need to create a snapshot of your brand that resonates with your audience and intrigues them enough to explore further. Here are the essentials to include in your Instagram bio and how to optimize them.

Your name (not username)

Did you know your Instagram “name” is searchable? We’re not talking about the username that people tag you with, but the name that appears at the top of your bio.

When people turn to their Instagram search bar to look for a specific kind of content or profile, the keywords you use in the name field will help connect them with you. 

For example, say your username is @bohophotos; you can input an easily identifiable search term like NY Brand Photographer in your bio’s name field to attract more organic traffic to your profile. You can also include your business name, along with descriptive words. Running with the example, it could be Boho Photos | NY Brand Photographer.

Your business category

Instagram bio category choices

Whether you’re a photographer, fitness consultant, or lifestyle blogger, picking the right category is your way of saying, “This is who I am, and this is what I do.” Your category provides instant clarity around what you offer, giving your audience a quick idea of what they can expect from your business. 

Instagram bio categories are only available for business accounts, and you can only choose one category. If your business fits into more than one category, simply select the most relevant one.

Mama photog instagram page

An Instagram bio link is a strategically placed link driving traffic to where it matters most—whether that’s to your latest product offerings, exclusive promotions, or newsletter signup form. This link becomes your business’s direct engagement line, allowing you to curate an online experience that goes beyond Instagram and transform casual followers into actively engaged consumers and subscribers.

Flodesk’s Link in bio is a powerful Linktree alternative, that does way more than just house your links. Primarily functioning as an opt-in form to collect email subscribers, this landing page goes above and beyond—offering total creative freedom, the flexibility to add extra links, an image, and an about section. It’s a seamless blend of functionality and beautiful design.

Design your link in bio in under 5 minutes

On-brand, customizable and completely free with Flodesk

Bio copy

You need to use the limited bio character count to describe what your business offers, what sets it apart, and the value you bring—emphasizing the problems you solve or the joy you create. If your location is integral to your business, proudly showcase it in your bio, ensuring potential customers know where to find you. If you have a branded hashtag, add that in, too. 

Be sure to include line breaks to organize the content and make it easy to read. You can also add a touch of fun with emojis to break up the different types of information so it’s visually engaging for your audience.

Check out these link in bio examples for inspiration

Profile photo

Opt for an image that captures your brand’s personality—whether it’s professional, friendly, or quirky. Consider incorporating elements of your business, such as your logo or signature colors, as a way of enhancing brand recognition. 

Keep in mind the aesthetics that might appeal to your target audience. Your profile picture is both a snapshot and a visual ambassador of your brand identity.

CTAs and contact options

Encourage followers to take specific actions directly from your Instagram bio, such as visiting your website, purchasing, or subscribing to your newsletter. Direct and concise calls to action (CTAs), like “Shop now,” “Learn more,” or “Subscribe,” guide your audience toward meaningful engagement. 

It’s also important to ensure your contact details, like your email or a contact number, are readily available, providing a direct channel for communication. With an Instagram for Business bio, contact details are available to followers when they click the “Contact” button.

9 examples of stunning small business’ Instagram bios

The best way to get creative Instagram bio ideas is to look at what others have done. Here are nine great examples of small businesses with stunning and effective Instagram bios. 

1. The photographer’s Instagram bio: AnneMarie Hamant, AnneMarie Hamant Photography

Anne Marie Hamant Instagram Account

This Instagram bio hits on all the best practices, starting with a descriptive name. “Philadelphia Family Photographer” defines her profession and highlights her location, a crucial detail for those seeking photographers. 

By specifying “Family Photographer,” she delves deeper into her niche, ensuring visibility in Instagram’s search results. Choosing the “Photographer” category emphasizes her expertise, which is reiterated in the bio’s content section with greater detail and further emphasis of her location.

Instagram now lets you add multiple links to your Instagram bio, which AnneMarie has done by incorporating two links: one directs to her website, while one leads to a Flodesk Link in bio form where fellow photographers can enter to win a complimentary 45-minute 1-1 mentoring session. This Link in bio aligns seamlessly with AnneMarie’s branding and offers a direct avenue for photographers to connect. 

The form’s user-friendly design includes straightforward messaging, making it easy for followers to understand the value they’ll receive. Aspiring photographers simply input their email addresses and share what they’d like to learn from AnneMarie, providing her with valuable insights into her audience.

“I created a Flodesk Link in bio to start a new segment of my mailing list focused on serving other photographers to grow their business and refine their craft. I shared the Link in bio on Instagram stories, and it has connected me to a new audience, helping me learn more about their needs and desires as I develop my coaching and mentorship program,” AnneMarie shares.

2. The consultant’s Instagram bio: Steff Smith, Babes & Brews Community

Babes and brew insta page

Instagram is an ideal platform for community building, which Babes and Brews Community exemplifies perfectly. Specializing in community events for women, Steff’s bio reflects this dedication with the “Community” category and her description, “Designing Events & Retreats that are a Magnet for your Community.” This not only showcases her experience but also outlines how she can add value for her followers.

The profile picture radiates a fun and approachable vibe, aligning seamlessly with her brand personality. She also uses her Instagram bio to promote her upcoming event, adding an RSVP link to her Facilitator’s Cacao Circle. This makes it super easy for her followers to take action.

This savvy small business also uses a Flodesk Link in bio to send followers to a newsletter opt-in form in exchange for a freebie—a “Soul-cial” solutions worksheet. The Link in bio form doesn’t stop there, offering a curated list full of links to upcoming events, podcast episodes, flash sales, and more. It’s a comprehensive approach by Steff to keep her followers deeply connected and engaged with her brand.

3. The event planner’s Instagram business bio: Skylar Caitlin

Skylar caitlin instagram bio

Skylar Caitlin maintains a short Instagram bio. As a wedding planner, Skylar has selected the “Entrepreneur” category as the best fit—a good option for small businesses that don’t quite fit into any of Instagram’s predefined categories. 

To ensure her profile is inclusive, Skylar includes her pronouns—she/her/hers. Her brief Instagram bio writeup adds a romantic flair, complemented by a profile photograph that radiates friendliness and approachability.

Skylar’s bio link sends followers to a dedicated page on her website, where she can drive further engagement. From her latest blog post to the services landing page, shop, featured article, and FAQ page, these curated links guide potential customers to her top brand touch points. It’s a practical and user-friendly approach to ensure her followers can easily access relevant information quickly.

Upgrade your Instagram bio

Create an-brand, customizable and completely free link in bio with Flodesk

4.  The blogger’s bio: Brooke Bakken, Brooke Bakken & Co.

Brooke Bakken link in bio

Brooke Bakken, a blogger, photographer, educator, and savvy businesswoman, maintains an Instagram profile that exudes sleekness and elegance. Her clean bio and professional profile picture round out a refined profile. In contrast to the emojis common in Instagram bios, Brooke opts for clean line breaks. Each line of text highlights who she is, what she does, and how she helps people.

Her Instagram profile also strategically integrates a Flodesk Link in bio. The link guides followers to a gated freebie, as well as links to essential pages like latest blog content, collaboration opportunities, and a discount code. 

“I created a Flodesk Link in bio because I wanted a page where I could easily capture email addresses for a waitlist while giving people the opportunity to get to know a little bit about me and the other products or services I offer.

“Being able to send people to a space where they can quickly access the different services and products they can receive from me, as well as capture their emails for my email list, was exactly what I was looking for. It also helps that a Link in bio is easily customizable to my brand, making it look cohesive with my website and the emails I send,” says Brooke. 

5. The coach’s bio: LaShonda Brown

LaShonda Brown link in bio

LaShonda Brown is all about diversifying her audience touchpoints. As a tech educator with a significant presence on YouTube, LaShonda ensures her Instagram followers are informed, with this title featured prominently in her Instagram bio. Her write-up also excels at letting followers know exactly how she can help them. 

From your welcome email to a link in bio, successful digital marketing is all about sending your audience to the right place. LaShonda does that with her Flodesk Link in bio, which offers visitors the chance to snag a valuable freebie. This strategically curated link also provides access to additional content, and an about section that offers deeper insights into who LaShonda is.

6. The artist bio: Colleen Annalea

Colleen Underwood link in bio page

Colleen Annalea’s Instagram profile is a clear beacon of her small business’s purpose. By cleverly adding “Coaching + Surface Design” to her name, she increases discoverability through Instagram’s search feature, ensuring a broader audience can easily locate her. The strategic choice of the “Artist” category further adds to her visibility.

The Instagram bio writeup is short yet informative, stating what she does and who she does it for. She has also added a Flodesk Link in bio that encourages visitors to sign up for her newsletter. A thoughtful touch sets this form apart—before hitting subscribe, Colleen’s followers are prompted to specify their interests, automatically segmenting subscribers so she can create more tailored and engaging content for them.

7. The influencer’s Instagram bio: Maddie Eddie

Maddie Eddie_Link in bio

As far as cool Instagram bios go, this is a great example of one that’s fun and interactive. Being a digital creator, Maddie masterfully communicates her focus: user-generated content (UGC) and social media.

While offering a glimpse into her personality with the playful identifier “That 🍓⁣blonde on the other side of social,” Maddie seamlessly transitions to professional by detailing her expertise in social media marketing and UGC. She has also added her email address to her bio so followers can contact her easily. 

Those interested in her content can click her Flodesk Link in bio, which is a gateway to Maddie’s newsletter opt-in, content links, and personal bio. Maddie is all about building a community, which she mentions throughout her Instagram account, bio, and opt-in form CTA.

Psst: Check out our guide on the top social media tools for your small business

8. The author’s bio: Natalie Franke

Natalie Franke instagram link in bio

This is a great Instagram bio example as it neatly breaks down the many multifaceted aspects of Natalie Franke. Each line break provides a snapshot of Natalie’s roles, which range from being a small business owner and author to serving as the Head of Community at Flodesk.

To foster a community around her offerings, Natalie leverages a Flodesk Link in bio, inviting visitors to subscribe to her newsletter. Additionally, she strategically includes links to her website, contact details, and a direct link to purchase her book. 

The short write-up on the page offers subscribers a glimpse into the personality behind the words, addressing the challenge of limited space in Instagram bios while maintaining a personal touch.

9. The brick-and-mortar business’s bio: Mango & Main

Mango and Main link in bio

In-person businesses can benefit from a great Instagram bio, too. Fair trade boutique, Mango & Main, uses a Flodesk Link in bio to grow their email list and drive traffic to new arrivals or seasonal collections on their website. 

Even though many shoppers choose to visit their physical shop in Annapolis, Maryland, growing their email list allows them to share engaging news about new arrivals, sales, artisan stories, and more. This fosters a community around their brand and makes shoppers feel increasingly invested in the artisans they support through their fair trade goods. 

Need help creating an awesome Link in bio for your brick-and-mortar business? You can design your own in less than five minutes using Flodesk’s stunning Link in bio templates—completely free. Start designing.

Maximize your business growth with a beautifully branded Instagram bio

Creating an engaging and effective Instagram bio is an important step for small businesses that are aiming to make a lasting impression and drive meaningful engagement. With the right mix of personality, clarity, and strategic content, you can transform casual scrollers into customers and subscribers. 

For an extra edge, consider adding a custom Link in bio like the Instagram bio examples above—completely free with Flodesk. They’re so easy to create and boast the best designs, while opening the door to a world of possibilities for connecting with your audience. Get yours free.