TL;DR: More free templates! This week, we’re partnering with Alicia Powell from Pixistock—a membership offering templates, stock photos, and education to help female entrepreneurs master content creation. Find out her story, how she 6x Pixistock’s revenue, and why you need her free Flodesk email templates.

Pixistock email template

If you feel burnt out by a never-ending cycle of creating engaging content that matches your brand and beats an algorithm, you’re not alone. Nearly a decade ago, Alicia Powell was exhausted by the content creation process. 

She was busy writing blogs and creating various forms of content, but she lacked an offer to sell and a sustainable path for entrepreneurship. That’s when she decided to launch Pixistock—a brand all about empowering busy entrepreneurs to create, plan, and share content that resonates and converts. 

In her journey to grow Pixistock, Alicia tapped into the transformative power of templates—which have helped her serve over 10,000 female entrepreneurs and 6x business revenue.

Discover Alicia’s story, how her stock photo brand became a thriving community of female entrepreneurs, and where to claim your free Flodesk email templates designed by Pixistock.

3 Free email templates designed by Pixistock

Create emails your audience can’t ignore (and make money) with three gorgeous Flodesk email templates you can use to share what’s new, sell your offers, and deliver your freebies.

How Alicia turned digital products into a membership serving thousands of women worldwide

After experiencing burnout from the content creation process firsthand, Alicia launched Pixistock to support fellow entrepreneurs facing similar challenges. Initially, she sold stock photos on third-party sites like Creative Market and Etsy. However, she quickly realized that while people loved her stock photos, they struggled to figure out how to use them in their business.

Around this same time, Canva launched—sparking abundant opportunities for Alicia to transform her stock photos into a more holistic digital product: templates.

Pixistock templates graphic

She says, “Many people were already creating templates, but the combination of stock photos with templates is how we gained so much popularity. Back then, Instagram was all about pretty feeds and color cohesion, which made having social media templates extra valuable.”

As the company grew, Alicia decided to remove Pixistock from third-party marketplaces and launch her own online shop full of digital products to help female entrepreneurs create, plan, and share content. Instead of selling individual templates, she transformed her business into a membership model, which has allowed her to support thousands of women worldwide.

Today, Alicia is the co-founder and CEO of Pixistock, a brand dedicated to helping busy entrepreneurs show up for their audience in ways that truly align with their values. Pixistock’s membership offers everything you need to easily create, plan, and share content—including marketing templates, stock photos, and educational resources to get started.

Alicia Powell from Pixistock

When she isn’t busy spearheading Pixistock’s efforts, you can find her embracing the thrill of winter sports, thrifting, or enjoying all kinds of outdoor activities near her Maryland home. She believes in creativity, kindness, generosity, and inspiring others to prioritize their natural gifts and time freedom, adding, “Success comes when you lean into your talents and go for it!”

Behind the brand: Alicia’s secret to 6x revenue and building a thriving digital product business

We asked Alicia to share more about how she’s grown her business using templates and email marketing and her advice for entrepreneurs looking to do the same. Here’s what she had to say.

Pixistock Social Community

What impact has selling templates had on your business, and what impact do you believe it can have on small businesses?

Selling templates has truly transformed my business! When we started integrating templates into our offerings at Pixistock back in 2018, we 6x revenue. 

We mainly offer digital templates through a membership model, which lets our customers mix, match, and experiment with various design styles to fit their branding needs. For small businesses, incorporating templates into your sales can be incredibly impactful. It allows creators to infuse their signature brand personality and energy into the design and create countless variations. 

It also opens up endless possibilities for customization, helping to meet diverse market demands and personalize content to specific audience needs. Digital templates pair well with online services, which adds value for the client and creates additional revenue streams for the business.

Do you have any advice for people just getting started with digital products? 

When you’re getting started with digital products, think about what you want to achieve as your end goal. It’s okay to start slow or small as you decide whether to run a membership site, a digital store or perhaps offer digital bundles. Spend time creating a standout main product, then pull pieces from that to build up smaller offerings like lead magnets or lower-cost products.

This approach will help you create a strong foundation for your business that can withstand the test of time. Keep your free offers simple, but consider adding a tech aspect to increase their value and make them unique. Flodesk template sharing, for instance, is a fantastic tool if you’re keen to explore email marketing products.

Tell us a little bit about how you use email marketing. What is its role in your business, and what strategies have worked well for you? 

Email marketing is the #1 way we’ve gotten new members into the Pixistock community. I use it to boost brand awareness with new leads, build trust, and establish authority by nurturing these amazing new relationships, and ensure those who opt-in are a good fit for my signature offers. It’s where I promote both free and paid products. 

My email list is constantly growing and changing—and I make it a point to be as personable as possible. I love email marketing because it feels like inviting people into my virtual home, away from the distractions of social media. It’s a great space for genuine conversations, too—so don’t be afraid to ask subscribers to reply! 

Some strategies that have really worked for me include treating email sequences as mini funnels, using straightforward, easy-to-understand language, and ending emails with a cliffhanger to keep readers looking forward to the next one.

Can you share any lessons you’ve learned through email marketing? 

One major lesson is that seeing some unsubscribes from your email list is perfectly normal. It doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of your brand or products—people often manage their inbox clutter by unsubscribing. In the early days, seeing people unsubscribe could feel disheartening, but I’ve learned to focus on refining my messaging while embracing new subscribers daily. 

Another key takeaway is the effectiveness of clear, direct communication and the power of storytelling to connect with your audience!

3 Free email templates designed by Pixistock

Create emails your audience can’t ignore (and make money) with three gorgeous Flodesk email templates you can use to share what’s new, sell your offers, and deliver your freebies.

Claim your free email templates designed by Pixistock

Flodesk x Pixistock email templates

Create emails your audience can’t ignore (and make money doing it) with three gorgeous templates designed by Alicia Powell from Pixistock. Grab your free templates, save them to your Flodesk account, and discover all you can do with them. Claim yours now.

“Our Flodesk templates are infused with a unique Pixistock touch, incorporating our exclusive stock photos and graphic elements, eye-catching headlines, and compelling copy right from the start. Our templates also feature vibrant colors and dynamic backgrounds to help your emails make a great first impression and really stand out in any inbox. They were so fun to create!”

– Alicia Powell, Pixistock

Explore Pixistock’s website or connect with them on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.