TL;DR: We sat down with Natania of Natania Creates—an online business coach scaling six-figure businesses—to talk about sales-boosting strategies to grow your business to six figures and beyond. Read along to learn more.

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Meet Natania

Natania, the founder of Natania Creates, is an entrepreneur and business coach who teaches women how to start and scale their online businesses to six-figure successes. She teaches powerful and intuitive marketing strategies so entrepreneurs can control their time, freedom, and schedule while living the life they want—on their own terms.

As an entrepreneur, Natania focuses heavily on sales and building a profitable business. She founded her own company and grew it using digital marketing—and now she helps others do the same. Find her on Instagram!

Make more sales with Flodesk

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What strategies can I use to make more money for my business?

Running a business is no easy feat; it requires commitment, consistency, and the right mindset. To run Natania Creates, Natania commits herself fully to being consistent and having a positive mindset. She recommends:

  • Staying focused and disciplined. It can be hard to focus on your business every day, but you must show up consistently—solid strategies are great, but if you don’t show up focused on your business, your plan is useless. Imagine building a marketing plan only to execute one part of it. You are missing out on all other opportunities to grow your business.

  • Showing up for yourself. Part of showing up for yourself means doing what you need to do to live the life you want. If you want to be an entrepreneur and grow your business, you need to show up every day and adopt a mindset of perseverance. Natania recommends telling yourself that you will sell today even if you haven’t made a sale in weeks. You’re going to show up every day, every week, every month—even when it’s hard.

  • Committing to selling her offerings. Many people are uncomfortable selling their goods or services, so after sharing one post on social or an email promoting their offerings, they stop. Natania does not. She encourages people to keep selling even when people aren’t buying. Her one-to-one-to-one approach suggests selling one offer on one platform for one month (every single day). Sell daily or almost daily, and don’t be ashamed of it. This is just one of many digital marketing strategies she uses. 

How do I avoid people getting sick of me when I’m always selling?

Natania reminds us that we are the CEOs of our businesses. We set the expectations, so when someone comes to our website or any of our social channels, you can set the expectation that there will be selling and promotions. Natania recommends making a few things clear, so your audience knows exactly what they’ll get from you:

You can convey your message through your tone, the content you share, and what you say in your profile. When you’re clear on your message about selling to your audience, you will attract your people. And yes, some people will think you’re selling too much—those are not your people. 

Don’t get discouraged if people unfollow you. Not everyone is for you, and many people won’t buy from you. It’s okay—they’re allowed to unfollow you. You want an engaged audience interested in you and your offer, so don’t change yourself or your business based on what people who aren’t for you want to see.

How do I handle objections to a sale?

A tough but important lesson you need to learn is that regardless of where you are in your business, you will continue to get rejected. Always. So, get comfortable with rejection and normalize that you aren’t for everyone. Objections are not personal!

When someone rejects your offer, there are a million reasons why. Maybe they can’t afford it, the timing is off, or your values don’t align. Not sure how to combat or handle objections? Try some of Natania’s tried and true tips:

  • Accept that your business isn’t right for everyone and focus on coping with rejection

  • Share case studies and video testimonials to help prove your business’s worth

  • Highlight the results you got for your clients and explain why people should work with you

What goals did you set to get where you are?

With goal setting, Natania kept hers simple. Originally, she approached social media with a focused and determined mindset. She knew it would require a lot of work, so she set goals to show up and do the work needed to be consistent and pave her path to success.

After some reflection and a realization, Natania switched up her goals a bit:

  • Take time to rest. Natania shifted her mindset to prioritize rest. She still works hard but recognizes she doesn’t have to work as hard to show up consistently, sell her business, and be successful.

  • Stay true to me. Natania knows that business is her calling and that she has ideas that can change people’s lives. So, even if a launch doesn’t go as well as anticipated or she struggles a bit, she reminds herself that she doesn’t need to change or do things that don’t align with who she is. She will be successful doing what works for her.

How can I attract my ideal client?

Not sure how you can be a magnet to your ideal client? Natania’s tips are a good starting point!

  • Show up with unwavering confidence. Your potential clients want to buy from someone confident in their skills and ability to get them results.

  • Pull your audience in with free resources. Create high-value content and share it for free using an opt-in form. Your content should be valuable enough that people are willing to give their email addresses up to get it! You can attract people to your list and your social channels, where you can nurture them into a sale (by creating a funnel).

  • Bring your people into the inbox. Your audience probably started on social, so use that to your advantage. Use the link in bio to promote your opt-in form. Once they sign up for your list, you can share even more content in your emails or monthly newsletters, including discounts, free resources, and social proof.

While the market for nearly everything has become even more saturated, you can stand out by sharing your story. Tell your followers about your business, your goods or services, and why they should work with you. You’re unique, and your approach to solving problems is different. Showcase why you’re great! Do that, and you’ll be ahead of others in the same space. 

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Discover valuable tips from building your email list and your business to getting in the right mindset to set and accomplish big goals. Watch the video replays below!